14 June, 2024 (Fri)

Time Event
Venue: Outside N001
Opening and Welcome Remarks
Venue: N002
Opening remarks
by Dr Yao Yao, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Welcome remarks
by Prof Siok Wai Ting , Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Group photo
Keynote speech 1
Venue: N002
Title: (Re)humanizing Digital Translation Studies Prof Sun Yifeng (University of Macau)
Moderator: Prof Li Dechao
Tea break
Featured speech 1
Venue: N002

Title: Usage Patterns of the Verbs Yi (Interpreting) and Chongyi (Relay Interpreting) in Early Imperial China Prof Rachel Lung (Lingnan University)
Moderator: Dr Liu Kanglong

Featured speech 2
Venue: N002

Title:“Cultural Translation” and the Translation of Culture: An East Asian Perspective Prof Song Geng (The University of Hong Kong)
Moderator: Dr Wu Zhiwei

Keynote speech 2
Venue: N002

Title: (How) Will Transformers Transform Translation Studies?
Prof Haidee Kotze (Utrecht University)
Moderator: Dr Andrew Cheung

Featured speech 3
Venue: N002

Title: Audio Description in Translation Studies: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Development Dr Yan Xiu (City University of Hong Kong)
Moderator: Dr Gu Chonglong

Afternoon tea
Panel 1. Theoretical and methodological advancements in translation and interpreting I
Venue: N001
Panel chair: Prof Sun Yifeng
Discussant: Dr Jiang Mengying and Prof Li Dechao
  1. Xu Minhui: ‘Novelty’ through Narrative and Paratextual Voice: The Case of John Minford’s Translation of ‘The Laughing Girl’
  2. Song Ge:Towards a cyberpunk translation theory for global cities: Exploring the multisensory landscape of Kowloon City in Hong Kong
  3. Li Yizhu, Li Wenlu, Ma Pei:How Social Network Analysis Informs Translation Studies: A Systematic Review
  4. Li Dejun: System perspective in conceptual translation: Focusing on the translation of traditional Chinese philosophical and cultural concept

Panel 2. Translation and interpreting pedagogy I
Venue: N002
Panel Chair: Dr Yan Xiu
Discussants: Dr Wu Xiaoping and Dr Liu Kanglong
  1. Hu Dan and Sun Runyunfei: Differing Obstacles in Translating Legal English Texts: an action research on English v. Law majors
  2. Zhang Jia and Stephen Doherty:Investigating novice students’ AI literacy in translation education: A questionnaire survey
  3. Zheng Yudi: Exploring the construction of development framework and trainingn mode for interpreter digital literacy in the context of new liberal arts

Panel 3. Translation and interpreting pedagogy II
Venue: N003
Panel chair: Prof Song Geng
Discussant: Dr Pan Guisheng and Dr Li Wenjing
  1. Liu Guijiao and Jackie Xiu Yan: Interplay between engagement and self-efficacy in tertiary interpreting classrooms
  2. Shen Pengyuan: Competence-based Training of Legal Translators: A Case Study of MTI Programs in China
  3. Luo Jinru:Error Recognition in MTPE and its Application in College EnglishTeaching
  4. Zhang Weiwei, Liao Sixini:Exploring the Use of ChatGPT in Enhancing Trainees’ Self Assessment of Interpreting Performance

Panel 4. Translation and Interpreting pedagogy III
Venue: QR610
Panel Chair: Prof Rachel Lung
Discussants: Dr Pang Shuangzi and Dr Liu Yi
  1. Li Menglu: Comparative analysis of Chinese to English Post-edited Machine Translation by Novice Translators and ChatGPT on Tourism Texts: A Pilot study
  2. Fan Lingxi: Should students study consecutive interpreting first? - an entropy-based quantitative study of student performance in interpreting class across types
  3. Shen Jiahao:Conceptualization of Terminology Translation Competence for Advanced Chinese Translation Learners: a Comparative Study
  4. Xu Ke, Ailin Wang, Wen Jiaxin, Zhang Mingyu:A Mixed Method Study on The Influence of Lexical Syntactic Flexibility Training on Interpreting Performance and Self-efficacy
Q & A
Conference dinner at Ju Yin House (聚賢楼)

15 June, 2024 (Sat)

Time Event
Keynote speech 3
Venue: N002
Title: Time Pressure and Resource Availability as Stressors in Translation: A Psychophysiological and Behavioural Study Prof Binghan Zheng (Durham University)
Moderator: Dr Weng Yu
Featured speech 4
Venue: N002
Title: Bridging Cultures Through Design: Multimodal Insights into the Book Covers of Translated Works by Chinese Émigré Writers
Dr Li Long
Moderator: Dr Xu Han
Tea break
Panel 5. Technological advancements in translation and interpreting II
Venue: N001
Panel Chair: Prof Wang Baorong
Discussants: Dr Luo Kangte and Dr Xu Han
  1. Jia Li, Yunxiao Jianga, Lili Han: Is machine translation a better communicator than human translators? A semi-supervised approach to source language shining-through across translation modalities and specialized genres
  2. Yu Jing: The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in Translation Studies
  3. Chai Ying: Can AI agents enrich undergraduate translation training? A case study in Hong Kong's classroom
  4. Meng Guo, Lili Han: Exploratory Study on Live Captioning in Computer Assisted Simultaneous Interpreting: A Dual Analysis from Process and Product Perspectives.

Panel 6. History, literature, and translation I
Venue: N002
Panel Chair: Prof Xu Minhui
Discussants: Dr Wang Yunhong and Dr Jin Jie
  1. Wang Rui:The Art of Deletion: The Compliance and Defiance of Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of King Gesar with Translation Norms
  2. Li Mingda: An Analysis on Translator’s Behavior from the perspective of Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice - Taking Watson’s Translation of “Tsunzi” as an Example
  3. Chen Xuemei:The role of spatial changes to paratext in literary translation reception: Eleven Chinese editions of Charlotte’s Web
  4. Wu You:Revisiting Fan Translation in the Development of Chinese Web Fiction

Panel 7. Culture and society in translation and interpreting I
Venue: N003
Panel Chair: Prof Xu Ke Discussants: Dr Song Ge and Dr Maggie Hui
  1. Zhang Xiao: On the Xu-Shi Interchange in English Translation of Chinese City Image
  2. Ma Yanyan: Exploration of the Course “English Interpretation of Chinese Music”
  3. Xiong Li:Comparative Analysis of Hmong Cultural Transmission in Chinese and English Translations: Integrating Corpus-Based and Eco-Translatology Methods
  4. Chen Yukun: From Language Policy to Translation Policy: On How Translation is Being Practiced as a Policy in Singapore

Panel 8. History, literature, and translation II
Venue: N101
Panel Chair: Prof John Qiong Wang
Discuaants: Dr Li Long and Dr Wong Tin Kei
  1. You Chengcheng:“Feeling Like a Kid”: The Pedagogy and Poetics of Translating Children’s Literature
  2. Dai Lixia:[Role Metaphors Chinese Interpreters Live By: From participant and mediator to microworld co-constructor] is revised to be [Role metaphors Chinese interpreters live by: From participant and mediator to co-constructor and disseminator]
  3. WU KAN: Do Heroes Speak the Same Language? A Stylometric Analysis of Translated Wuxia and Heroic Fantasy
  4. Meihua Song:Applying Complexity Theory to Translation Studies: Taking the Development of Contemporary Tibetan Literature (1950s-1980s) as a Case Study
Keynote speech 4
Venue: N002
Title: Human(ity) Under the TIS microscope
Prof Christopher Mellinger
Moderator: Dr Xu Han
Featured speech 5
Venue: N002
Title: Technology and Interpreter Training: Perspectives from interpreting trainees
Dr Wang Honghua
Moderator: Dr Maggie Hui
Afternoon tea
Panel 9. Technological advancements in translation and interpretin III
Venue: N001
Panel Chair: Dr Yu Jing
Discussants: Dr Maggie Hui and Dr Bai Ge
  1. Yiran Chen (Hongmei Ruan): Research on the Effectiveness of ChatGPT in Translating Discourse with Chinese Characteristics
  2. Xiaojun Zhang: The Implications for Human-Artefact Relationships: The Genres of Translation Technology
  3. Wu Xiaoping: Translation as a strategy to counter platform censorship: A social semiotic multimodal analysis of the translations of a ‘controversial’ text on WeChat
  4. Lili Jiang;Yunxiao Jiang;Lili Han;Liu Wenjing: Advancing Language Translation with Generative Pre-trained Transformers: Insights from Recent Scholarly Research on ChatGPT
  5. Luo Kangte: Linguistic and technological competences in audiovisual translation learning: An investigation of an undergraduate translation program in China

Panel 10. History, literature, and translation III
Venue: N002
Panel Chair: Prof Han Lili
Discussant: Dr Zhang Xiao and Dr Li Wenjing
  1. Jin Jie:Research on Indirect Translation of Classic Chinese Literature from a Paratextual Perspective-Taking the English Translation of McHugh’s Hong Lou Meng as an Example
  2. Liu Yuanchen: The Cross-lingual Re-construction of Power Discourse in Chinese Literary Historiography
  3. Wong Tin Kei: Translating Modern Chinese Literature: Challenges Posed by Diversity within the Language
  4. Luo Lin: Conceptualising the Blood Metaphor in A Novel by Yu Hua: A Corpus-based Study of Chronicle of A Blood Merchant and its English Translation
  5. Pang Shuangzi: Translated Texts Through Historical Lens:A Multi-dimensional Diachronic Analysis of the Changes in Translated and Original Register Features (1919-2019)

Panel 11. Cognition in translation and interpreting I
Venue: N003
Panel Chair: Prof Zheng Binghan
Discussant: Dr Cui Yixiao and Dr Weng Yu
  1. Liu Meichun and Ren Xinyue: The Influence of Target Domains on Cognitive Effort in Translation Process: An Eye-tracking Study on the Chinese Metaphorical Polysemy hóng ‘red’
  2. Li Xiaoyan: A longitudinal study of disfluencies in English-Chinese simultaneous interpreting
  3. Haoshen He, Binghan Zheng:Lexical Bundles in Simultaneous Interpreting: A Cognition Exploration with Eye-tracking and Retrospective Interview
  4. Liu Yi: Lexical Bundle Usage in Interpreting: A Comparative Analysis of L2 Interpreters and L1 Speakers in English and Chinese Discourses
  5. Sun Run: Comparative Analysis of Interpersonal Metadiscourse in English Translations of Chinese Tourism Websites and ChatGPT

Panel 12. Culture and society in translation and interpreting II
Venue: N101
Panel Chair: Prof Song Meihua
Discussants: Dr Chen Xuemei and Dr Gu Chonglong
  1. Wang Kailun; Yan Xiu:Secondary Worlds and the Translation of Cultural-specific Items in Musical Plays: An Analysis of Mulan Jr. and Little Shop of Horrors
  2. Wang Yunhong: Transmedia adaptation as translation: a Chinese classic and its afterlife in the English comics
  3. Ruby Ka Yee Hui; Li Dechao:Progressive and Patriotic: Exploring the Translation History of Modern Children Bi-weekly Magazine in Hong Kong and Mainland China through Translation Policy (1941-1951)
  4. John Qiong Wang: Shēngshēng Communication and Héhé Translation
  5. Wang Baorong: Socio-Translation Studies in China: Achievements and Prospects

16 June, 2024 (Sun)

Time Event
Keynote speech 5
Venue: N002
Title: Making sense of the world through language and stories
Prof Michaela Mahlberg
Moderator: Dr Liu Kanglong
Featured speech 6
Venue: N002
Title: Undertaking Community-Oriented Translation Studies Research: Concepts, Methods and Challenges
Dr Yu Chuan
Moderator: Dr Li Wenjing
Tea break
Panel 13. Culture and society in translation and interpreting III
Venue: N001
Panel Chair: Prof Wu You
Discussants: Dr You Chengcheng and Dr Luo Jinru
  1. Cai Zhiyu: Transculturality Between the Lines: Linguistic Hybridity in Translating Pai Hsien-yung’s Novellas
  2. Ma Yan:Chinese-English Translation of Culture-Loaded Words from the Perspective of Social Development and Changes
  3. Yu Qian: The Development and Implications of Chinese New Words in the Early 20th Century - an Empirical Study based on New Youth
  4. Jiang Mengying: Translating Artistically: in the Name of Translation, or Is It Adaptation?

Panel 14. Quality assessment in translation and interpreting
Venue: N002
Panel Chair: Prof Michaela Mahlberg
Discussant: Dr Xu Han
  1. Li Ruyang: Performance Assessment for Professional Interpreters in Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting
  2. Pan Guisheng:A Comprehensive Review of Manual Annotation Tools for Translation Error Analysis from 2006 to 2023
  3. Li Minzhi: How Good is ChatGPT 4.0 as a Machine Translation System: An Evaluation of Translation Quality and the Efficacy of Prompts
  4. Zhang Wenkang, Xie Rui, Li Dechao: Assessing Audience Perception: A Comparative Study of AI-assisted and Non-AI-assisted Simultaneous Interpreting

Panel 15. Professionalisation, ethics and industry trends in translation and interpreting
Venue: N003
Panel Chair: Dr Yu Chuan
Discussants: Dr Liu Yanmeng
  1. Mao Junyi: how translators' personality and work motivation influence their extra-role behaviour: a case study based on Chinese samples
  2. Zhao Shanjiang: Emerging Trends and New Developments in Terminological Translation: A Bibliometric Review from 2004 to 2024
  3. Li Qian: Intersemiotic Translation in Hypertext-based Digital Communication
  4. Wang haoran and Feng Frand Mailun: Navigating Changes: Hong Kong Conference Interpreters Amid Pandemic and AI

Panel 16. Theoretical and methodological advancements in translation and interpreting IV
Venue: N101
Panel Chair: Dr. Luis Damián MORENO GARCÍA
Discussants: Dr Du Songyan and Dr Ma Yanyan
  1. Li Fang: An experimental study of word concreteness effects:The role of sentence context and translation direction
  2. Yang Zhiyuan: Can Syntactic Complexity Help to Classify the Difficulty Rating of Interpreting Materials: A Corpus-based Approach
  3. Huang Yueyue: Modality in Motion: Modality Changes in Chinese to English Translation of Research Article Abstracts
  4. Wang Miao. Research on the English Translations of Chinese Culture-Specific Items ---A Case Study of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games
Panel 17. Cognition in translation and interpreting II
Venue: N001
Panel Chair: Dr Wang Honghua
Discussants: Dr Zhang Weiwei and Dr Weng Yu
  1. Cui Yixiao: Correlations between Consultation of Online Resources and Translation Quality: An Eye-tracking, Screen-recording and Retrospective Study
  2. Liu Zhibo: Lexical Complexity in Simultaneously Interpreted Texts- A Test of Simplification Hypothesis and Directionality Effect
  3. Shen Yinxu: Can Menzerath–Altmann Law Differentiate Consecutive Interpreting without and without note-taking: Insights into their Varied Cognitive Processes and Loads
  4. Tian Zhuangyuan:the Definition and position of sight translation

Panel 18. Audiovisual translation
Venue: N002
Panel Chair: Dr Wu Kan
Discussant: Dr Zhang Xiao and Dr Wu Zhiwei
  1. Gao Xiaowei: Beyond Standard Subtitling: Exploring Creative Subtitling Practices from Multimodal Perspective
  2. Bai Ge: Representing “Chineseness”: the visual and audiovisual translations of feminine spaces in Robert van Gulik’s Judge Dee series
  3. Du Songyan: Intersemiotic Shifts and Narrative Representations in Subtitle Translation: A Multimodal Study of Zootopia

Panel 19. Theoretical and methodological advancements in translation and interpreting V
Venue: N003
Panel Chair: Dr Zhang Xiaojun
Discussants: Dr Shen Jiahao
  1. Li Guanji: What do lexical features tell us? A corpus-based study of the effects of relay interpreting
  2. Yu Zhenghang: Multidimensional Comparisons of Linguistic Features in Interpreted, L2, and L1 Speech
  3. Huang Danfeng: Establishing the relationship between features of lexical bundles to simultaneous interpreting: comparison between interpreted and non-interpreted tasks and connection to retour interpreting
  4. Liu Yanmeng: Unveiling the Mystery of Traditional Chinese Medicine Translation: A Corpus-based Multivariate Analysis of Translation Acceptabilit

Panel 20. Theoretical and methodological advancements in translation and interpreting VI
Venue: N101
Panel Chair: Dr Wang Miao
Discussants: Dr Gu Chonglong
  1. Zhao Pan:Perceived AI threat, Anxiety, and Career Change Intention of Chinese Translators: a mixed-method Approach
  2. Zhang Hengtian and Feng Jia: Towards Making the Most of ChatGPT for Post-editing: Preliminary Findings with Evidence from Quality Assessment
  3. Wang Zhishan and Su Wenchao: Exploring the Translation Process of Chinese Fansubbing
  4. Mei Leyun, Xie Lei and Ruan Hongmei: Comparative Study on the Quality Assessment of Machine-Translated Subtitles in Aerospace Field: Case Studies of “Baidu AI SI,” “IFlyrec,” and “Youdao SI” Platforms
Afternoon tea
Keynote speech 6
Venue: N002
Title: Going beyond cognitive operations and cognitive management: Exploring new research orientations in interpreting studies
Prof Wang Binhua (University of Leeds)
Moderator: Dr Gu Chonglong
Closing remarks
Venue: N001
by Prof Li Dechao, Associate Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Conference Organizer


Shaping the Future of Translation and Interpreting Studies in a Context of Technological, Cultural and Social Changes

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