Call For Submissions
Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 32)
The long tradition of PACLIC conferences emphasizes the synergy of theoretical analysis and processing of language - from theoretical frameworks to cognitive accounts, from lexical processing to language understanding, and from computational modelling to multi-lingual applications.
The most important purpose of PACLIC conferences is to provide a forum where researchers in different fields of language study in different areas in the Pacific-Asia region working on issues pertaining to different languages can come together and talk, get to know each other, learn old wisdom, be enlightened by new insights and generally get entertained intellectually, and come home ready to initiate a new research program with new research partners in a new state of mind.
We value hybrid talks on linguistic principles and implementation details, massive data collection and extraction of abstract rules, automated proficiency evaluation and philosophical contemplation on language learning, although pure theory and pure technology will also be appreciated. We welcome bi-lingual or multi-lingual research, while due respects will be paid to mono-lingual research.
- Language Studies
- Corpus linguistics
- Discourse analysis
- Language acquisition
- Language learning
- Language, mind, and culture
- Language theory
- Morphology
- Phonology
- Pragmatics/Sociolinguistics
- Semantics
- Spoken language processing
- Syntax
- Typology
- Information Processing and Computational Applications
- Cognitive modeling of language
- Dialogue and interactive systems
- Digital humanities
- Information retrieval/extraction
- Language resources
- Machine learning/Data mining
- Machine translation
- Multi-linguality in NLP
- NLP applications
- Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
- Social media
- Text classification/summarization
- Word segmentation
Conference proceedings will be published in open-access digital formats. Past PACLIC proceeding papers have been indexed in Scopus (since PACLIC 19 in 2005) and listed in ACL Anthology. According to Google Scholar, PACLIC currently has an h5-index of 10 and the h5-median is 13.
Submissions should describe substantial, original, and unpublished work written in readable and plain English and may not exceed 8 pages, including EXCLUDING references and appendices. Accepted papers will be presented in either regular sessions or poster sessions as determined by the program committee. Each author may only have one accepted paper as the first author.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong