June 9 (Friday)

Conference Registration 會議報到

3:00pm - 6:00pm, Y404
Pre-conference Workshops 會前工作坊
No. Name Event
1 Annette J. WATKINS Academic Coaching: Promoting Motivation, Resilience and Accountability for Developmental Students
3:00pm - 4:00pm / 4:30pm - 6:00pm, Y403
2 Jie WANG Teaching Business Communication Through Relatable Cases
3:00pm - 4:00pm, Y417
Tea Break 茶歇
4:00pm - 4:30pm
3 Cecilia LUI Understanding Self, Understanding Others: Expoloring Our Cultural DNA
4:30pm - 6:00pm, Y417

June 10 (Saturday)

Opening Ceremony of the Conference 開幕式

9:00am - 10:00am, Y305

Welcoming / Opening Speeches by 致辭嘉賓

Prof Chetwyn Chan, Associate Vice President of PolyU

Dr. LI Dechao, Associate Dean of FH

Dr. Roxana FUNG, Associate Head of CBS

Dr. Yunxia ZHU, Vice President of Asia Pacific Region, ABC

Dr. Bertha DU-BABCOCK, Representative of ABC
商務傳意協會代表Bertha DU-BABCOCK博士

Dr. Doreen WU, Co-chair of Conference Organizing Committee

Group Photo & Tea Break 合影及茶歇
10:00am - 10:30am
Keynote Speech 1 主旨發言 1
10:30am - 11:30am, Y305
  ZHU Yunxia: Cross-cultural Discursive Competence for the New 'Globalization' Context: Using Language as a Tool
Keynote Speech 2 主旨發言 2
11:30am - 12:30pm, Y305
  Michael L. KENT: Mediated Engagement: Rhizomatous Dialogue in the Digital Age
CHAIR: Doreen WU
Lunch 午餐
12:30pm - 2:00pm, V Cuisine 彩晶軒
Session 1.1 Issues in Digital Communication(數位傳播)
2:00pm - 3:40pm, Y403
No. Name Event
1 Gail FOREY &
Virtual communication in Asian workplaces
2 LEE Meihua Imagined Cyber Community: A Study on Overseas Hakka Audiences’ Self-categorized Ethnic Identity in the Age of Digitalization
3 SUN Lu 孫璐 Potential and Concerns: The Business Communication and Journalism in Big Data Era
4 Qin XIE &
Zhiyao LIANG
Principles of Generating Data for Educational Communication
5 ZENG Fan-Bin &
LU Yuxuan
The Internet Use, Political Efficacy and Political Participation of Occupational Middle Class: Based on 2013 national sample
Session 1.2 Advertising & Branding(廣告與品牌)
2:00pm - 3:40pm, Y407
CHAIRS: DING Shaoyan, Giovanna PUPPIN
No. Name Event
1 Giovanna PUPPIN Branding China through Olympic Public Service Announcements (PSAs): An Exploration of the “Beijing Opera Series” (Jingju xilie 京劇系列)
2 DING Shaoyan Cultural Differences and Reception of Advertising - Exploring Transcultural Advertising in and Outside China
3 Henry Amo MENSAH Towards a discursive construction of commodification of semiotic signs in the advertising space of Lesotho
4 Kenneth C. C. YANG &
Yowei KANG
Narrative Adverting, Storytelling, and Impacts on Consumer Brand Experience
5 Judit HIDASI The Impact of Slogans used as CommunicationTools for Country Branding
Session 1.3 Comparative Study of Persuasion(說服性語篇的比較研究)
2:00pm - 3:40pm, Y411
No. Name Event
1 CHEN Yifei 陳逸飛 &
YAN Jinglan 顏靜蘭
2 LIU Xin 劉馨 Inter-cultural Study on Individualism-Collectivism Discrepancy between Chinese and Australian Media Reports on Nobel Prize Winner Tu Youyou
3 Oscareale YEUNG Intercultural Differences and Interdiscursive Hybridity in Hong Kong and Mainland Marketing Brochures
4 Bertha DU-BABCOCK Culture and Identity on Persuasive Business Messages: A Comparative Study
5 Liang SHAN 單梁 &
Hang YIN 殷航
A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and American Coverage on Beijing APEC Meetings in New Media Context
Session 1.4 商務英語 (Business English)
2:00pm - 3:40pm, Y412
No. Name Event
1 Momotaro TAKAMORI Design Thinking as Common Language of Global Business and Obstacles for Further Permeation
2 Kenichi SATO BELF in English-mandate Policies: Possibilities and Challenges in the Japanese Context
3 ZHAO Fan 趙凡 Intercultural Business Communication Competence Cultivation for College Students under the Background of Enterprise Internationalization
4 Misa FUJIO The Linguistic Challenges Facing Japanese Business-Major Students in Becoming Globally-Minded Leaders
Session 1.5 商務英語 (Business English)
2:00pm - 3:40pm, Y416
No. Name Event
1 GUO Jun 郭珺 在“來慕(LEM)”英語中筆譯教學操作辦法初步探究
2 JIANG Hong 江紅 在“來慕(LEM)”英語中工作室文化的初步探究
3 LI Shunmei 李順梅 在“來慕(LEM)”英語中資訊素養課程嵌入合作的初步觀察探究
4 YE Shuting 葉書婷 &
AN Zihui 安子暉
Session 1.6 身份表徵與建構 (Identity Representation & Construction)
2:00pm - 3:40pm, Y417
CHAIRS: Yen-chieh LO, LUO Jinru
No. Name Event
1 Yen-chieh LO Stigma for dementia in news stories:How older people and ageism represented in the naming of cognitive disorders
2 LUO Jinru Dim Sum as a Construction of the Cantonese Identity
3 LIU Jiali 劉佳麗 對城市開放空間的閾限性探討 — 以澳門聖保祿大教堂遺址為例
4 SONG Yanan 宋亞楠 香港懷舊電影研究
5 TAN Nian 譚念 Reflection of Gender and Political Issues in Top Girls by Caryl Churchill
Tea Break 茶歇
3:40pm - 4:00 pm
Session 2.1 Digitalization & Relational Communication (數位化與關係傳播)
4:00pm - 6:00pm, Y403
No. Name Event
1 FENG Wei 馮薇 Corporate rapport management in the online shopping reviews: strategies and implications
2 LUO Xue 羅雪 Dialogical Strategy on Social Media of Chinese State-Owned Enterprise in Africa - A Case Study of Kenyan Standard Gauge Railway
3 NIU Xiaochun &
HUAWEI’s Dialogue with the World: “Building a Better Connected World”
4 QIAN Chen Interpersonal (Dis)affiliation of Third Party Offence in Online Discussion Boards
5 Keyan G. TOMASELLI &
Corporate Communication - Adversarial, Transmission, Dialogical
6 Doreen D. WU &
Building Credibility and Rapport by Airline Companies on Social Media
Session 2.2 新媒體與大數據分析 (New Media & Big Data Analysis)
4:00pm - 6:00pm, Y407
CHAIRS: Terrill Reid MCLAIN, WAN Xiaohong
No. Name Event
1 WAN Xiaohong 萬曉紅 社會化媒體網路輿論動員的成因與機制探析 — 以裡約奧運“孫楊霍頓事件”為例
2 ZENG Fan-Bin 曾凡斌 大資料應用於輿論研究的現狀與反思*
3 LU Xi 陸希 「有妳好在哪裡?」台灣新住民的浪漫與悲哀 — 國際移民日「有妳真好,謝謝」系列活動之跨媒介敘事批評
(The Narrative Critique of International Immigrants Day Cross-media Expression)
4 Terrill Reid MCLAIN Social Media and Cultural Barriers
Session 2.3 Digitalization & Relational Communication (數位化與關係傳播)
4:00pm - 6:00pm, Y411
CHAIRS: Lydia Tsui, Kenneth C. C. YANG
No. Name Event
1 DUAN Chao 段超 &
YAN Jinglan 顏靜蘭
A Case Study on Apple’s Advertisements from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication
2 LIU Chao 劉超,
TAN Yanwen 譚燕雯,
XIN Jiapo 辛嘉坡
HTML5 廣告的消費者體驗對品牌態度的影響研究
3 CHEN Lu 陳璐 從區隔到交流、融入:新時期加拿大春節行銷傳播的跨文化分析及建議
(From Distinction to Communication and Integration: Cross-cultural Study and Suggestions on Spring Festival Marketing and Communication of Canadian Market in New Age)
4 YANG Ying 楊穎 廣告研究的論辯理論視角
5 Kenneth C. C. YANG &
Yowei KANG
Integrating Big Data Analytics into Advertising Curriculum: Opportunities and Challenges in an International Context
6 Qian Chao 錢超 公共關係美學的探索:以香港巴塞爾藝術展為例
Session 2.4 商務英語 (Business English)
4:00pm - 6:00pm, Y412
CHAIRS: Yeonkwon JUNG, LIU Huiying
No. Name Event
1 LIU Huiying 任務型CLIL在商務英語教學中應用的行動研究
An Action Research on the Application of Task-based CLIL in Business English Teaching
2 Yeonkwon JUNG Research on Business Communication in Korea
3 WANG Tao 汪濤 Exploring the Philosophical and Artistic Values in Business English Teaching Practice
4 Atsuko KANEKO Developing communication competency through intercultural experience: What is transferable?
5 Adele Yifan ZHANG Coaching: A Fresh Look at Teaching Soft Skills in Business Schools
Session 2.5 Corpus-assisted Anlaysis(語料庫輔助研究)
4:00pm - 6:00pm, Y416
No. Name Event
1 LIU Ming 劉明 Discursive Constructions of IPhone in the Keynote Speeches of iPhone Launch Events: A Corpus-assisted Discourse Study
2 Grace LIM Image Construction in Shareholder’s letter: Similarity and differences of US and Chinese firms
3 Chie URAWA A Corpus-Based Genre Analysis of Cautionary Statements in the Corporate Annual Reports: Sony and Panasonic
4 Seiji NOMURA An Analysis of Office Communications from Psychological Perspective
Session 2.6 Developing Intercultural Communication Competence(發展跨文化交際能力)
4:00pm - 6:00pm, Y417
CHAIRS: Marie-Therese CLAES, Enid LEE
No. Name Event
2 Marie-Therese CLAES Kathoeys of Thailand: Discrimination or Culture Clash in International Business?
3 YAN Jinglan 顏靜蘭 Study on Intercultural Communication Awareness through Short Term Exchange Programme
4 YAO Chunyu 姚春雨 A Meta-analysis of The Existing Assessment Tools for Chinese College Students’ Intercultural Communication Competence
5 Enid LEE Decoding Verbal and Nonverbal Signs: A Comparative Study of Native and Non-native Speakers
Conference Dinner 晚宴
7:00pm-9:00pm, PolyU Staff Club 職員會所

June 11 (Sunday)

Keynote Speech 3 主旨發言 3
8:30am - 9:10am, Y305
CHEN Xianhong: From Excellence to Sunshine PR: A Modified General Theory for Chinese Public Relations
CHAIR: YU Zhaohui
Keynote Speech 4 主旨發言 4
9:10am - 9:50am, Y305
  于運全:中國春節文化品牌傳播的效果研究 - 以2016年海外10國受眾調查為例
YU Yunquan: Effects of China's Spring Festival branding: A Survey of Overseas Audiences in 2016
CHAIR: RAN Yongping
Keynote Speech 5 主旨發言 5
9:50am - 10:30am, Y305
WU Fei: Challenges and Paradigm Innovation in International Communication Studies
Tea Break 茶歇
10:00am - 10:30am
Session 3.1 Negotiation & Crisis Management(磋商與危機管理)
11:00 am - 1:00pm, Y403
No. Name Event
1 Yuichiro YAMAMOTO A Study of “Getting to YES” of the Harvard NegotiationProject :
Emotions and Communication Styles for Japanese Business People
2 Shun-itsu NAKASAKO The Importance of Providing a Concrete Picture in Doing Negotiation
3 RAN Yongping &
ZHAO Linsen
Building Affection-Based Face in Conflict Mediation
4 Yoichi SATO How Japanese exhibit disagreement in English-speaking business: With a focus on pragmatic negotiation
5 SHI-xu The Chinese Discourse of Trade Disputes A study of China’s trade friction with the EU as cultural (competing) discourses
Session 3.2 Management & Organizational Communication(管理與組織傳播)
11:00 am-1:00pm, Y407
CHAIRS: Stella Chiu, Miyuki TAKINO
No. Name Event
1 Miyuki TAKINO Using Multiple Languages in the Age of English as a Business Lingua Franca (BELF): Bilingual Japanese Managers’ Perspective
2 Jean-Yves LE CORRE Rationality and behaviours in performance management systems: a model based on empirical evidence
3 LIU Ping Doing power: MPEs as pragmatic manipulation in BELF meeting interactions
4 Ikushi YAMAGUCHI An Exploratory Study on the Relationships between Various Dimensions of Organizational Communication and Turnover Intention of Workers at Japanese Care Facilities
Session 3.3 Glocalization and Business Communication(全球本土化與商務溝通)
11:00 am - 1:00pm, Y411
CHAIRS: Du Huizhen, FENG Jieyun
No. Name Event
1 FENG Jieyun 馮捷蘊 A Matter of Perspective: A Discursive Analysis of the Perceptions of Three Stakeholders of the Mutianyu Great Wall
2 Vincent MERK Embedding a University Campus in its local Business Environment
3 David J. PARKER An Investigation into the effects of culture on electronic word-of-mouth marketing for ESL businesses on social network sites
4 Tiffany CHING Metadiscourse and persuasion: Environmental, social and governance reports in Hong Kong
5 Du Huizhen,
Sun Juan,
Wang Nailong
Localized Participatory Nuclear Risk Communication in China
6 Yi DENG &
FENG William Dezheng
Genre, interdiscursive mix and the marketization of higher education: A diachronic analysis of university annual reports in Hong Kong
Session 3.4 公共關係與公共外交 (Public Realtions and Public Diplomacy)
11:00 am - 1:00pm, Y412
CHAIRS: HUANG Dongsheng, YU Zhaohui
No. Name Event
1 YU Zhaohui 于朝暉 &
LI Wei 李偉
Research on Strategies of Corporate Diplomacy
2 HUANG Dongsheng 黃東升 Reconstruction of comprehensive PR idea and Optimization of Cognitive System of PR Think Tanks
3 ZHANG Peng 張鵬 &
CAO Jing 曹晶
(From Foreign Concept to the Primary Stage Sinicize: People’s Daily and the Acceptation of “Public Relations” from 1946 to 1996)
4 CHEN Xianhong 陳先紅 &
Shi Na 史娜
公共關係 職業地圖 研究——廣東省公關專業人員職發展模式分析
Session 3.5 中國品牌傳播 (Branding China)
11:00 am - 1:00pm, Y416
No. Name Event
1 LIU Lei 劉磊 全球化傳播下中國電影的⽂化危機—中國電影“走出去”策略的再思考
2 ZHOU Hangyi 周航屹 社會生活的參與式“生成”:文化研究視野下跨媒體敘事的本質探析
3 TIAN Yuchen 田鬱辰 一帶一路上的玉文化融合戰略研究
4 CAI Menghong 蔡夢虹 “21世紀海上絲綢之路”戰略下中國茶文化的海外傳播
(Overseas Spread of Chinese Tea Culture under the Strategy of "The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road"and Promotion of Soft Power of National Culture)
Session 3.6 跨文化交際 (Cross-cultural Communication)
11:00 am - 1:00pm, Y417
No. Name Event
1 LIN Jia &
WANG Junju
Adaptation to the Learning Culture of Chinese Universities: Challenges and Coping Strategies
2 LUO Hui 羅慧 &
HUANG Nina 黃妮娜
3 ZHANG Leisheng張雷生 在華留學生和外籍教師群體的跨文化交際衝突研究
4 JIN Shanshan 金閃閃 &
ZHANG Shanshan 張珊珊
5 ZHENG Xuantong 鄭萱童 A Case Study on Cross-cultural Adaptation among Overseas Students in China
6 HU Nailin 胡乃麟 來華留學生跨文化適應研究與在華管理 - 以山東大學巴基斯坦籍留學生管理為例
Lunch 午餐
1:00pm - 2:30pm, PolyU Staff Club 職員會所
Session 4.1 社交媒體傳播 (Social Media Communication)
2:30pm - 3:50pm, Y403
CHAIRS: WU Yulan, ZENG Fanbin
No. Name Event
1 WU Yulan 吳玉蘭 &
LIU Jiayu 劉佳宇
2 ZHANG Ruiyao 張瑞瑤,
QIAN Chao 錢超,
TIAN Yuchen 田郁辰,
WANG Jian 王建
3 ZENG Fanbin 曾凡斌 &
QIN Yi 覃毅
4 ZHANG Ning 張甯 &
SU Youzhen 蘇幼真
Session 4.2 文化與商務溝通 (Culture & Business Communication)
2:30pm - 3:50pm, Y407
No. Name Event
1 ZHAO Qian 趙倩 跨文化人際衝突管理中的人情—德籍駐華員工工作中的衝突管理
2 SONG Xiaosi 宋曉思 主體間性視域下的跨文化經濟交際研究
3 ZHOU Yang 周楊 現代公關啟蒙的歷史條件比較研究:基於美國、英國和中國的比較
Session 4.3 翻譯學 (Translation Studies)
2:30pm - 3:50pm, Y411
CHAIRS: Anthea H. Y. CHEUNG, XIAO Jiayan
No. Name Event
1 XIAO Jiayan,
ZHU Yudan,
LU Yin
Translation as Cultural Communication: A Case Study of English Translation of Meng Hao-jan’s Poems
2 HUI, Maggie Translators’ Risk Strategies for High-risk Items in Advertising Text:
An Exploratory Study of Translation Procedures and Justifications in a Simulated Translator-Client Setting
3 Anthea H. Y. CHEUNG A compromise between incommensurability and commensurability: the only possible way in rendering the Mahāyāna doctrine of kong 空 (śūnyatā) into English ?
Session 4.4 Language & Business Communication(語言與商務溝通)
2:30pm - 3:50pm, Y412
CHAIRS: WANG Bo, Lorraine Y. YAO
No. Name Event
1 MA Yuanyi &
Invisible, Inherited, Infinite Power: A Systemic Functional Analysis of the Verbal Announcements by Class Monitors from a Chinese Mainland University
2 WANG Bo &
Ma Yuanyi
How Notices Become Nuisances in College: A Systemic Functional Analysis of the Notices from a Chinese Mainland University
3 WANG Guifang 王貴芳 On the Functions of Nominalization in International Business English Contracts
4 Lorraine Y. YAO English as a Lingua Franca: The use of English in the professional world in Mainland China
Session 4.5 跨文化學習 (Cross-cultural Learning)
2:30pm - 3:50pm, Y416
No. Name Event
1 LI Jie Family socio-economic status, learning strategies and reading literacy: the case of China and the United States
2 ZHAO Jing 趙靜 中國語境下EFL學習者文化身份焦慮研究
3 LIAO Yongpeng Messy Learning: A Meta-Synthesis Study of MOOC
Literature on Students’ Learning
4 Aaron LOH &
Nanyasopark SWASDIWAT
The Qualitative and Philosophical Aspects of the Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning: of University Business School Students in Diverse Stages of Economic Development
Session 4.6 符號與敘事分析 (Semiotic & Narrative Analysis)
2:30pm - 3:50pm, Y417
CHAIRS: Raymond CHENG, WU Jianguo
No. Name Event
1 CHEN Xianhong 陳先紅 &
HE Jianqi 賀劍棋
Storytelling of Chinese characters: From meta-discourse analysis to multimodal discourse analysis
2 CHAN Shou San A Tri-party Semiotics Approach for Advertising Polysemy: Luxury Brand Advertisement Analysis under the Framework of Roland Barthes, Mikhail Bakhtin, Gunter Kress and Theo van Leeuwen
3 QIN Yong 秦勇 Image Representation – A Semiotic Analysis of China’s 10 Top International Hotel Companies’ Web Ads as the Strategy for Glocalisation
4 WU Jianguo 武建國 商業化大背景下媒體話語傳播中的重新語境化及意義轉換
(Understanding Recontextualization and Transformation in Media Discourse against the Background of Commodification)
Tea Break 茶歇
3:50pm - 4:00pm
Keynote Speech 6 主旨發言 6
4:00pm - 5:00pm, Y305
  Michael B. GOODMAN: The Transformation of Corporate Communication Strategy and Tactics
CHAIR: CHAN Shui-duen
Keynote Speech 7 主旨發言 7
5:00pm - 6:00pm, Y305
  Lily AGONOY: Branding Strategies and Cultural Adaptation Challenges of a Global
Travel Agency in a Greater China Business Context
CHAIR: Patrick NG
Closing Ceremony of the Conference 閉幕式
6:00pm - 6:30pm, Y305

Mr. Patrick NG, Co-chair of Conference Organizing Committee

Dr. Doreen WU, Co-chair of Conference Organizing Committee

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Room AG522, Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong

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