

陶紅印,洛杉磯加州大學亞洲語言文化系教授、中文部主任、研究生事務主管;兼任台灣師範大學英語學系講座教授。曾在新加坡國立大學、美國康奈爾大學等校任教。目前主要研究興趣在於漢語話語語法、語料庫語言學、應用語言學及漢語教學、互動語言學以及英語語言學等。在國際國內發表學術論著130多項,包括近期著述: Chinese for Specific/Professional Purposes (with Howard Chen, Springer Nature 2019)、 Integrating Linguistics Research with Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (John Benjamin, 2016)、 Chinese under Globalization (with Jin Liu, World Scientific, 2011),以及 Working with Spoken Chinese (Penn State University, 2011)。 曾任美國中文教師學會會長,目前擔任《漢語語言和話語研究》國際叢書系列的執行主編及二十多個國內外刊物的編委。

演講題目:Polyphony in Action: Prosodic Manipulation and Alternation for Stance Negotiation in Monolingual Mandarin Conversation


While it is indisputable that communities throughout the world have become increasingly multilingual and multicultural, there is still much to be learned about the multiple voices within a single linguistic system, such as Mandarin Chinese, the large speech repertoires in a single speaker, and how speakers take advantage of voice manipulation and register alternation in everyday social interaction. In this talk, I use audio-video recorded naturally-occurring Mandarin conversation to analyze a number of phenomena where polyphone is at play, i.e., using multiple voices to represent diverse perspectives, stances, and identities in dialogic sequences. The discursive phenomena to be investigated include the following:

  1. intonation contour matching for affiliative stance-taking;
  2. voice matching and modification for disaffiliative stance-taking;
  3. reporting unattributable speech with distinctive voice qualities to index and contest epistemic authority.

While the first two phenomena are typical manifestations of conversational resonance, defined by Du Bois (2014) as “the catalytic activation of affinities across utterances”, which takes place in the immediate conversational context, the latter seems to have more to do with allusion to distant discourse experiences.

By analyzing polyphony in Mandarin everyday conversation, I hope to show that fine-grained multimodal analysis of talk-in-interaction can help us better appreciate the complexity of linguistic repertoires in single speakers and the multiple voices and registers in single language systems – and how all this can be dynamically put to (inter)action.





