RAN Yongping

Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, P.R. China

Ran Yongping is a professor and director of Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, which is a national key research institute of humanities and social sciences in China. He is a vice chairperson of both China Pragmatics Association and China Association for Discourse Studies, and is Editor-in-Chief of Xiandai Waiyu, a well-known Chinese journal of linguistics and applied linguistics. He is on editorial board for the journals Chinese as a Second Language Research (Mouton de Gruyter), Journal of East Asian Pragmatics (Equinox), and some Chinese journals of linguistics and applied linguistics. He was a visiting scholar in University of Wales (Bangor, UK) from 2003 to 2004, and a Fulbright senior researcher in University of California (Berkeley, USA) from 2009 to 2010. His main research interests include pragmatics and discourse studies, he has published articles in Intercultural Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics and Society, Pragmatics, Discourse Studies, Text and Talk, Journal of Politeness Research and some Chinese journals of linguistics. He has also published books of pragmatics.

The webpage about his details is: clal.gdufs.edu.cn/info/1265/2838.htm

Keynote Speech: 网络谴责话语及社会语用理据研究


当代语用学研究日益重视语言使用的社会现实性(冉永平 2022)。越来越多的研究表明,语用学研究不只是探究个体语境、私人语境下的语用需求与期待,也并非局限于公共语境下话语使用所涉及的人际冲突、人际冒犯等人际语用问题,还涉及公共语境下话语使用的社会语用问题、社会语用效应等;关注的语用问题也从面子管理、关系管理、身份管理等扩展到了话语使用所隐藏的道德规范问题,体现了集“社会、互动、规范”于一体的社会语用综观视角(Haugh, Kádár, Terkourafi 2021)。本发言以网络语境下针对社会不文明事件的公开谴责话语为语料,借助话语过程分析法和元语用分析法,主要探析话语所隐藏的社会语用期待及其在道德规范维度的社会语用理据,以期推动社会-语用共同体视角下的网络话语体系、理论体系、分析框架等的建构。

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The 6th International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (6th ISCLD)

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Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Macau
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University